Dongying Goldenman Trading Co., Ltd
API Spec 6A drilling spool
API Spec 6A drilling spool

API Spec 6A drilling spoolMain technology parameters

1, Working pressure3000~10000psi (21~70MPa)

2, Nominal bore7 1/16”~13 5/8” (179.4~346.1mm)

3, Product specification Level: PSL1~3

4, Material Class: AA~FF

5, Performance Requirement Level: PR1~2

6, Working Temperature: P.U-29~121 

7, the design conforms to the API Spec 6A


Special heat treatment of the high quality alloy steel improves its anti-corrosive capability of H2S.
The seals surface is welded with stainless steel to improve the anti-corrosive capability, and lengthen its lifespan.
The strength of the body is strictly inspected according to the API Spec 6A before delivery to ensure safely.
It is applicable to drilling works in the high pressure oilfields.
It can throttle and control blowout if it connects with relevant valves and pipelines. Meanwhile, it links the blow-out preventer  and casing head.